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Inner Wealth Bot

​The Inner Wealth Initiative AI

​The Inner Wealth Initiative AI is informed by the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA), a methodology which has been helping children and families and other concerned adults for over 30 years.


The many years of experience of Howard Glasser and Josh Kuersten of the Nurtured Heart Institute and their desire to create Inner Wealth for all have shaped the wisdom of the bot's responses.


The Nurtured Heart Institute hopes our bot removes the typical barriers to seeking answers and support.

Our vision is when asking questions of a personal nature or discussing sensitive topics in this anonymous way will lessen worries, fears, embarrassment, shame or shyness that could get in the way.

Please note that this is very experimental. The larger intent of this bot is to see how AI can help create Inner Wealth. Login questions should be directed to ServiceSpace.

How to access the bot:


  • Create an account with ServiceSpace

    • You will then receive an email with your password




  • Please take our survey here.

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